Dre Rawlings (left) laid out a real grass runway (and bar-top) at Bishop's Lounge on Saturday night (I checked, it was actual sod squares) upon which her models apparently delighted the packed house wearing designs that serve as the public debut of the up and coming designers simply stated and striking garments. This is only a sampling of what I saw, and while I didn't recognize anyone in the crowd (I fancied they were all important buyers from the city...or sure looked that way!) there was a lot of hooting, applause, and "Dre rules!" in the air. I felt like I was totally where it was at but without the pretension one might expect at a fashion show. Addendum: A commenter asked where the clothes can actually be found and Dre says:

Which one is Dre?
Fabulous fashions. So where can we purchase 'em?
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