(above) The Edge in his toque. He has dozens of tuques and even has his own tuque tech on the road. The proper pronunciation is "tuke" like "juke" as any Bob and Doug McKenzie fan will tell you.

(above) NOT Ken Maiuri but Jim Neill modeling the actual tuque Ken will wear as "The Edge."
The Edge's Hair started thinning in his early twenties (as did Ken's and mine), and as a result, he has worn hats or caps on stage, in photo shoots, and on album covers since abouty 1986. He now wears a tuque at all times in public, and even wore one at his wedding in 2002. This is what Ken was looking for and I managed to find mine. I think he'll make an awesome Edge and I hope it's not too hot up there.

(above) Spouse with Ken Maiuri, 2nd from right in non-Edge related "acorn hat."

(above) Another great shot of Ken Maiuri, who's courage and lack of vanity braving thinning hair makes The Edge seem a coward by comparison.

(above: Edge, The) Ken opted not to attempt this version of The Edge and not just because I didn't have the cowboy hat to lend him. I made that up. He did no such thing. But it helped the narrative.

(above)-The Edge sans hat. He looks fine. A little like Christian Bale. Erika Patsy thinks John Malkovich.
This year's Transperformance theme is "Letters and Numbers" and the line-up is posted on the NAC site. The show is Tue 8/26 (my birthday as well) from 4-9:30 p.m. at the Pines Theatre in Northampton's Look Park.
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