Monday, July 13, 2009

Teens Don't Twitter

Tech blogger Bob Cringely's blog I, Cringely, is funny and ever more relevant. These days "tech bloggers" are among the most astute monitors of culture and communication. Here's a recent post that struck me as interesting as I stick my toes into the Twitter waters and figure out how it applies to promoting live music.

Rodney, an artist/poet/landscaper who also happens to be my wife’s old boyfriend, got his mobile phone bill the other day and was shocked to see that Echo, his 16 year-old daughter, had the month before sent or received more than 14,000 SMS text messages from her mobile phone. Yes, Echo has unlimited texting, but among her friends this behavior isn’t unusual and it says a lot about how media habits — good and bad — are changing in our culture. Continued.

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