Thursday, June 11, 2009

Doing Deals with the Monkees, Mel Brooks & Carl Reiner at Rhino Records

My Los Angeles years, 1992-2002 could fill a book. I appreciate living in Northampton now in a way I never could have had I just stayed here to pursue my career. Not being one to plan too far ahead, my career actually pursued me for the most part; sucked me out to Boston for 5 years, shot me out to Hollywood for 10, and finally ptooooie! spat me back to Northampton like it had all been a dream.
In my 8 years as the head of promotion at Rhino Entertainment in Los Angeles, I was part of dozens of exciting projects and partnerships. I just found these photos that commemorate the deal signings for the Rhino's massive Monkees catalogue relaunch (albums and TV shows) and the re-issue of Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner's famous 2000 Year Old Man albums in a box set with a new book and album, The 2000 Year Old Man in the Year 2000.


Joey B said...

Ha! You look like a pup.

brian said...

...well then, write that book! or maybe you already are. put me down for a pre-order.
p.s. I'm sure you've heard the bummer news about Tork's cancer. But he's apparently still gigging, so that's positive.